72 Jahre Erfolg: die Geschichte von DENSO

Von unserer Gründung in Japan bis hin zu unserem Wachstum an Standorten auf der ganzen Welt kann DENSO auf eine erfolgreiche Geschichte und Tradition auf dem Automobilmarkt zurückblicken. Seit unserer Gründung hat sich DENSO zum Ziel gesetzt, in der Welt der Automobilindustrie etwas zu bewegen, auch im Aftermarket. Um unser Engagement für Innovationen in der Automobilbranche und unseren Kundenservice in den vergangenen sieben Jahrzehnten zu feiern, haben wir einen Zeitstrahl mit den wichtigsten Stationen unserer Geschichte zusammengestellt.
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NIPPON ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTS CO. LTD spaltet sich von Toyota Motor Co. Ltd. ab und wird als eigenständiges Unternehmen gegründet. Später wird der Name in NIPPONDENSO CO. LTD. geändert, und aus dem Unternehmen wird schließlich das, welches wir heute kennen.


Von Anfang an war es unser Ziel, lokale Kompetenzzentren zu schaffen. 1954 haben wir mit der Einrichtung unserer regionalen Servicestationen und des Technischen Schulungszentrums den Anfang gemacht.

Dies war der Beginn unseres Systems der assoziierten Servicestationen, eines globalen Netzwerks, das den Service für unsere Endverbraucher in den verschiedenen Regionen der Welt verbessern soll. Diese Zentren halfen uns auch bei der Festlegung unseres Grundsatzes "Monozukuri ist Hitozukuri (unsere Leistung beruht auf unseren Mitarbeitern)" und "Engineering und Technik, Hand in Hand", den wir auch heute noch befolgen.


Um sicherzustellen, dass der Geist unserer Gründung auch für künftige Generationen in unserem Unternehmen erhalten bleibt, haben wir unser Leitbild festgelegt. Dies sind auch heute noch die Grundsätze, die unser gesamtes Handeln bestimmen.


Die Entwicklung von Qualitätsprodukten ist seit jeher einer der Schwerpunkte unseres Unternehmens. Dieser hohe Standard wurde im Jahr 1961 mit der Verleihung des Deming-Preises, einer der renommiertesten Auszeichnungen für Qualitätskontrolle, anerkannt. Dies war nur der Anfang unserer "Quality First"-Kultur.


The US market has been a key part of our business ever since the sixties. In 1966, we established a sales office in Chicago and branch offices in Los Angeles. This opened up our products, networks and innovations to the rest of the world.


DENSO, we’re constantly innovating to stay ahead of our competitors and develop high-quality products that made a real difference to the automotive industry. Establishing the Integrated Circuits (IC) Research Center was our first step in this culture of innovation.

Having this focus on in-house research and development meant we could develop electronic controls for automotive components ahead of our competitors. These electronic components are still in our main product offering today.

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Following the establishment of our first overseas sales company in Los Angeles in 1971, our first manufacturing companies located outside of Japan were established a year later. NIPPONDENSO (AUSTRALIA) PTY. LTD and NIPPONDENSO THAILAND CO. LTD. improved our ability to supply the worldwide automotive market and helped us to listen to the needs of our customers in these regions more closely.

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Developing the skills of our team to meet the needs of our customers has always been a key focus for us. This was recognised by our first WorldSkills Competition Gold Medal in 1977. Since then, we’ve earned more than 60 WorldSkills medals in recognition of our work in developing the skills of our engineers.

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To test the quality of our products and ensure they met the needs of our customers, we opened our test course at Nukata Proving Ground. This was a first in the industry and a move that hadn’t been previously taken by a parts manufacturer.

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Over the last 30 years, our research and development has led to the creation of technologies and innovations that have changed the face of the automotive industry. We opened our research laboratories in the early nineties to look into a range of new technologies, from semiconductor materials to microalgae that produces oil.


Our values were formalised into the DENSO Philosophy in this year. Based on our original mission statement, our commitment to contributing to the world through our technologies and products was set out into our new corporate philosophy.

One such world-changing technology was also developed in this year. QR codes made high-speed reading possible, leading to a range of innovations in production sites and across a wide range of products.

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To reflect our worldwide presence, we removed ‘Nippon’ (the Japanese word for Japan) from our company name to become DENSO CORPORATION.

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We continued our commitment to training our team with the establishment of our DENSO Training Academy Thailand. Our first overseas regional training center, it is uniquely designed to deliver high quality education to engineers and technicians at a regional level.

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Sustainability is a key concern within the mobility industry, which is why we developed our DENSO ECO VISION 2025. This is our action plan to tackle issues such as environment and energy usage within the automotive sector.

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Based on the DENSO Philosophy, we established our new brand slogan ‘Crafting the Core’. This encompasses our vision and aims for the future, including our DENSO Group Long-term Policy 2030. This aims to ‘bring hope for the future for our planet, society and all people’ by making changes that will future-proof our whole DENSO business, including in the aftermarket.