Top Management

Our Senior Management Team
Erwin Veldhuizen
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Erwin Veldhuizen

Corporate Services

Erwin Veldhuizen

Corporate Services
Erwin Veldhuizen is the Director of Corporate Services within the DENSO Aftermarket and Industrial Solutions business unit.
His expertise lie in finance, logistics, operations and general management in plastics manufacturing, predominantly in the automotive industry. Erwin has been with DENSO since 2009 and is responsible for business planning and control, debtor management, IT, logistics and organisation development.
Victor Schipper
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Victor Schipper

Director of Service
Aftermarket Business Development

Victor Schipper

Director of Service
Aftermarket Business Development
Victor Schipper is the Director of Service within the DENSO Aftermarket and Industrial Solutions business unit and has been with DENSO since 1987.
With a career spanning 30 years within the industry, Victor has undertaken various roles over time including management, marketing and product development after initially beginning as a service engineer.

He drives development of DENSO’s aftermarket business across Europe, as well as growing technical service activities. Victor’s team supports sales teams in 40 countries in determining business direction and development of technological solutions, such as vehicle diagnostics and Internet of Things (IoT) concepts. He also coordinates a team of field service engineers in various European regions, establishing and maintaining service networks for diesel, air conditioning, and diagnostics.

He drives development of DENSO’s aftermarket business across Europe, as well as growing technical service activities. Victor’s team supports sales teams in 40 countries in determining business direction and development of technological solutions, such as vehicle diagnostics and Internet of Things (IoT) concepts. He also coordinates a team of field service engineers in various European regions, establishing and maintaining service networks for diesel, air conditioning, and diagnostics.
Dirk Schöffler
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Dirk Schöffler

Senior Manager

Dirk Schöffler

Senior Manager
Dirk Schöffler is the Senior Manager in the Robotics division at DENSO. He offers approximately 20 years of experience in the Robotics business and his background includes production technologies and prior to his current position, was the Manager of Customer Support at DENSO.
He leads teams within product management, sales, customer service, order handling and marketing. Dirk also works to grow the network of partners and local representatives and increase the awareness of DENSO Robotics products within Europe.
Thomas Bosman
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Thomas Bosman

Deputy Unit Head

Thomas Bosman

Deputy Unit Head
Thomas Bosman é o Diretor e Deputy Unit Head de Aftermarket & Industrial Solutions.
Em 1999, Thomas tornou-se engenheiro de vendas de equipamentos originais para fabricantes de automóveis de passageiros. Mais tarde, mudou-se para a unidade de negócios de pós-venda, na qual liderou vários domínios de negócios, tanto no negócio de peças de reposição quanto na área de soluções industriais.

A partir de janeiro de 2023, Thomas está liderando a unidade de negócios Aftermarket & Industrial Solutions. Em sua nova função, ele lidera a organização durante a transição na indústria automotiva e o impacto que ela tem no mercado de reposição. Com o objetivo de contribuir para "Green" (neutralidade de carbono) e "Peace of mind" (Segurança de os seres humanos), seu foco será introduzir novas tecnologias para a próxima geração de mobilidade elétrica e utilizar tecnologias DENSO e/ou estabelecer novas parcerias de forma a criar e fazer crescer novas oportunidades de negócio para além do domínio da mobilidade.
Jeroen Bleeker
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Jeroen Bleeker

Senior Manager
Aftermarket Service Quality & Assurance

Jeroen Bleeker

Senior Manager
Aftermarket Service Quality & Assurance
Jeroen Bleeker is the Senior Manager of Aftermarket Quality Assurance and Warranty within the DENSO Aftermarket & Industrial Solutions business unit.
After beginning a career at DENSO in 2003 as a quality engineer responsible for multiple European carmakers, Jeroen then moved on to leading the Service and Quality Assurance department at DENSO Sweden for their Swedish customer base.

He now oversees the teams within AMIS Quality & Warranty for AMIS domains Fleet, Life and Energy, OES Sales, Service Network and Independent Aftermarket Sales. These teams utilise DENSO’s processes and procedures to achieve the highest level of quality for all AMIS products, to ensure they exceed the highest standard and surpass customer expectations.
Andre Koppenol
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Andre Koppenol

Reman, Repack & Repair

Andre Koppenol

Reman, Repack & Repair
Andre Koppenol is the Manager of Reman, Repair and Repack and is responsible for the total remanufacturing process of Starter Alternators and Diesel Injectors plus the repair process of different electrical car components and the packaging process for both IAM and OES.
He began his career at DENSO in 1998 as a Technical Business Specialist and now oversees the remanufacturing process using sustainable production methods, including re-using components and implementing the latest modifications.
Pim Vernooij
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Pim Vernooij

Fleet / Life & Energy / New Business Development

Pim Vernooij

Fleet / Life & Energy / New Business Development
Pim Vernooij is the Senior Manager of Fleet, Life & Energy and New Business Development within the DENSO Aftermarket & Industrial Solutions business unit.
After starting his career as a Service Manager in the automotive industry, Pim joined DENSO in 2008 as a quality & service engineer. In 2010 Pim then transferred to the AMIS sales team and became responsible for the sales of industrial products.

He now leads the European sales of two of DENSO’s product groups: Bus AC (Fleet) and Non-Automotive (Life & Energy), as well as the New Business Development team focusing on solutions for Non-Automotive industries.

Always led by our values 'Green' (Environment friendly) and 'Peace of Mind' (Safety for all human beings), DENSO Europe B.V. has a strong drive to expand its business beyond the Automotive field. Recent examples include a strategic investment in the leading Dutch Greenhouse and indoor farm company Certhon, and the development of a high temperature heat pump to replace gas boilers in Dutch homes.

Equipes regionais

Equipes regionais

David Richter
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David Richter

Sales Manager Aftermarket DACH
Independent Aftermarket Sales

David Richter

Sales Manager Aftermarket DACH
Independent Aftermarket Sales
Thomas Landgraf
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Thomas Landgraf

Sales Representative Aftermarket DACH
Independent Aftermarket Sales

Thomas Landgraf

Sales Representative Aftermarket DACH
Independent Aftermarket Sales
Sales Representative Thomas Landgraf looks after our customers in the sales region of Southern Germany and Austria and ensures the expansion of our sales activities there. With his many years of experience in the German aftermarket, he is supporting our customers as a competent contact person.
Thomas Landgraf started his career in the aftermarket at distributor level, where he looked after workshop customers as a salesman at the counter, on the telephone and in the field. Before joining DENSO, he worked for a manufacturer for many years, including as area sales manager for Eastern and Southern Germany and the whole of Austria.
Christian Bodmann
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Christian Bodmann

Sales Representative Aftermarket DACH
Independent Aftermarket Sales

Christian Bodmann

Sales Representative Aftermarket DACH
Independent Aftermarket Sales
Sales Representative Christian Bodman advises and supports our customers in Northern Germany. He is not only a competent contact for the wide-ranging DENSO aftermarket product programme, but also supports the trade in commercial matters.
He draws on his more than 20 years of experience in leading sales positions, including at a chassis and an exhaust component manufacturer.
Claudia Manhardt
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Claudia Manhardt

Sales Promoter Aftermarket DACH
Independent Aftermarket Sales

Claudia Manhardt

Sales Promoter Aftermarket DACH
Independent Aftermarket Sales
Sales Promoter Claudia Manhardt provides advice and support to workshops and branches in her area. Born in Munich, she promotes awareness of the DENSO brand and trains workshop and sales outlet staff on DENSO products and technical tips and tricks.
After her apprenticeship as a sports saleswoman in retail, Claudia Manhardt built up her career in the automotive industry in several areas. Her professional career was broadened through field work in the chemical industry and in wholesale. Before joining DENSO, she gained over 25 years of aftermarket experience and is not afraid to offer technical advice and support.

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Senior Sales Executive


Senior Sales Executive
Przemysław dołączył do DENSO pod koniec 2015 roku i jest odpowiedzialny za koordynację działań polskiego zespołu. Dba o relacje z kluczowymi klientami firmy oraz rozwój sprzedaży produktów DENSO w Polsce północnej.
Z branżą motoryzacyjną związany jest blisko 20 lat. W tym okresie zajmował różne stanowiska menadżerskie - był między innymi dyrektorem sprzedaży u jednego z największych polskich dystrybutorów części samochodowych.
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Sales Executive


Sales Executive
Adam dołączył do zespołu DENSO w 2009 roku. Stworzył od podstaw długoterminową strategię rozwoju sprzedaży linii części DENSO w Polsce, która obejmowała wszystkich klientów rynku wtórnego (dystrybutorów, hurtowników, sklepy, warsztaty samochodowe). Adam przyczynił się do zwiększenia świadomości marki DENSO w Polsce, co skutkowało wzrostem sprzedaży i zatrudnieniem kolejnych 5 osób odpowiedzialnych za sprzedaż. Obecnie Adam jest odpowiedzialny za relacje z kluczowymi klientami i kieruje rozwojem sprzedaży części DENSO w Polsce zachodniej. Adam jest związany z branżą motoryzacyjną od 1998 roku - wcześniej pracował w wielu międzynarodowych korporacjach związanych z motoryzacją, w firmach BRINK Polska (obecnie Thule Towing Systems) oraz NGK.
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Sales Executive


Sales Executive
Krzysztof dołączył do zespołu DENSO w 2011 roku. Do jego pierwszych zadań należało rozwinięcie sprzedaży nowej linii świec zapłonowych DENSO TT. Obecnie jest odpowiedzialny za wspieranie sprzedaży wszystkich linii produktowych wśród kluczowych dystrybutorów oraz klientów specjalizujących się w zakresie rozruszników i alternatorów. Jego region obejmuje województwa: wielkopolskie, kujawsko-pomorskie, pomorskie oraz warmińsko-mazurskie.
W branży motoryzacyjnej pracuje od kilkunastu lat. Pełnił funkcje menadżerskie w takich firmach jak JC Auto oraz Inter Cars.
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Technical Trainer


Technical Trainer
Krzysztof dołączył do zespołu DENSO w 2013 r. Do jego obowiązków należy wsparcie sprzedażowe dystrybutorów, jak również pomoc techniczna przy doborze oraz weryfikacji części zamiennych DENSO dla warsztatów samochodowych. Obszar jego działania to województwa: Podlaskie, Mazowieckie, Lubelskie i Świętokrzyskie.

Przed objęciem obecnego stanowiska Krzysztof pracował w firmie GAU Polska jako koordynator krajowy do spraw sieci warsztatowych. W latach 2010-2012 Krzysztof zrealizował projekt szkoleniowy dla pracowników warsztatów samochodowych, który był współfinansowany z Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, a kwota dotacji wynosiła 1,1 mln zł.
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MAREK PYKA Sales Executive


MAREK PYKA Sales Executive
Marek dołączył do zespołu DENSO w 2016 roku. Jest odpowiedzialny za współpracę z kluczowymi klientami firmy oraz rozwój sprzedaży części DENSO w Polsce południowej i wschodniej.
Z branżą motoryzacyjną jest związany nieprzerwanie od niemal 20 lat - wcześniej pracował w firmach Motogama i Elit Polska.
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Sales Executive


Sales Executive
Szymon dołączył do zespołu DENSO w 2016 roku. Jest odpowiedzialny za współpracę z kluczowymi klientami firmy oraz rozwój sprzedaży części DENSO w Polsce południowej i centralnej.
Sprzedażą zajmuje się od dziesięciu lat, natomiast z branżą motoryzacyjną jest związany od lat sześciu - wcześniej pracował w firmie Exide Technologies.